Your Angel Program Grant has been submitted!

Thanks for submitting a small grant application through our Angel Program. Someone will get in touch with you once your required photos are received through email and we have a chance to review your application.

Please give us 2 working days once you submit your photos. If you haven’t heard back, you can contact us.


As a reminder for the required photos:

Clear photos of the equine(s) and applicant/owner driver’s license are required, or your application will be denied. Photos must be provided within 2 days of grant application. Photos must include a legible photo of the front of the applicant’s driver’s license, photos of the equines involved in the application, photo of the property and conditions under which the equines are being kept, and any other photos that are pertinent to the request, such as damages for natural disasters, medical bill for equine or human illnesses. (All records are fully confidential.) Email photos to [email protected]. Indicate the grant application in the subject line, such as “Photos for [YOUR NAME]’s grant application”.


Follow us!


Are you familiar with our work to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome equines in need? Please follow us on social media! It’s a good, FREE way to support us. Liking, sharing, and commenting on our posts is even better!

Facebook: RVRHorseRescue

IG: rvrhorserescue


Want to get involved?

We always need volunteers! You can apply HERE!