Ways You Can Help

We are 100% Volunteer. Every penny helps horses.


It costs about $10 a day per horse to care for them. RVR Horse Rescue is currently home to 27 horses, many with health issues that end up costing more daily. As you can imagine any amount will help us help them. Click below to help us care for them.

All donations are tax deductible as RVR Horse Rescue is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit.

There are many other ways to help!

Amazon Wish List

**Our Amazon Wish List is temporarily suspended while we determine our needs at the new ranch.**

Our Amazon Wish List includes items we currently need to help the horses or run the ranch. Shopping this way allows you to decide exactly how your donation dollars are spent!

You shop and the items ship directly to us!

RVR Merchandise

RVR Logo apparel and merchandise is a great way to support our mission! You get trendy items to wear or use and we get a percentage of each purchase to help us help the horses.

These items are sold through a third-party merchandiser.


Sponsor a Horse!

Sponsoring a horse is a monthly donation of any dollar value you choose and may be ended any time you choose! There’s no minimum contribution and NO COMMITMENT! The decisions are completely in your hands.

You can specify the horse of your choice when you sign up for sponsorship.

Learn More Pay Your Sponsorship

FREE ways you can help!

Get Social!

The power of social media is crucial to RVR Horse Rescue. Liking our Facebook page and/or following us on Twitter are great ways to start. Liking and sharing our posts and live-feed videos are the ULTIMATE free social media gifts you can give us. Each Like and Share makes a difference because it allows us to broaden our audience. As a 100% volunteer organization, we need all the help we can get. LIKE and SHARE!


Charitable celebrations are all the rage. Why not make RVR Horse Rescue the recipient in place of your birthday gifts or for your holiday gift exchange? Sometimes children want to raise money for a good cause. Maybe hosting a horse themed birthday party and asking for donations to RVR or for items from our Amazon Wish List (linked above) instead of gifts would be a memorable and powerful way to make a difference.

Help horses and have fun at the same time!